2017 Forum Registration
When: October 20-22, 2017
Where: The Directors Guild of America -- 7920 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90046

Online Pass sales have now ended. Weekend and Day Passes will be available to purchase at the door.
Networking Lunch:
The Networking Lunch is currently sold out.
In an effort to make the Film Independent Forum more accessible, we've reduced the conference registration fees and are offering the networking lunches on Saturday and Sunday à la carte for $20 per day. Lunch will not be available to purchase onsite, so please purchase when you register. If you purchase the Networking Lunch you will be contacted at a later date with details about this year's Lunch Hosts and menu options.
Film Independent Members: Login here, then please refresh this page to see pass/pricing options.
To become a Film Independent Member, please visit www.filmindependent.org/membership.
Cancellations for the Film Independent Forum will be accepted until 6 pm on Friday, October 6, 2017. In order to receive a refund, you must submit a request in writing via email to hbrown@filmindependent.org no later than 6 pm on Friday, October 6, 2017. An administrative fee equivalent to 15% of the registration fee paid will apply to all refunds. No cancellations will be accepted after 6 pm on October 6, 2017.
Forum speakers and panelists are subject to change.